News & Events
Flairsoft Federal Sponsors Dayton AFCEA Valentine Ball 2016
On February 13, 2016, the Dayton-Wright Chapter of the Armed Forces Communications-Electronics Association (AFCEA) hosted the annual Valentine’s Day Ball at the WPAFB Club and Conference Center. As in previous years, Flairsoft was a sponsor to this event for the photo booth. The highlight of this signature AFCEA Ball was a black-tie event where AFCEA presented dinner, live music and entertainment. “We are excited to sponsor this event to show our support for local AFCEA chapter and STEM scholarships,” commented Mr. Dheeraj Kulshrestha, CEO of Flairsoft.
This event, like all chapter events, was focused on raising funds to support science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) scholarship initiatives of AFCEA. Flairsoft was delighted to be a part of an initiative that encourages young people and professionals to seek a career in STEM disciplines and to volunteer to serve through AFCEA. Flairsoft participated in raising funds for AFCEA scholarship programs that support local high school students and several area colleges and universities.
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