News & Events
Flairsoft Federal to Sponsor the Wright Dialogue With Industry Dayton, OH
07/22/2014- Flairsoft is proud to announce that it will sponsor this year’s Wright Dialogue with Industry, a premier defense industry conference located in the heart of Dayton’s Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
The conference, held yearly by the Dayton Area Defense Contractors Association, aims to “jump start the exchange of information and ideas between Air Force Researchers, Industry, and Academia”. It accomplishes this through seminars, speakers, networking events, and, most uniquely, day long technical interchanges on important contemporary technological trends, including next gen aerospace, space and nuclear technology, ISR (intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance), electronic warfare and defense, and more.
Flairsoft, in particular, is excited about the opportunities that this conference provides for an emphasis on small businesses. The air force uses this conference specifically to promote its Air Force Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs, harnessing the innovation of smaller companies to promote the excellence of the air force. In this manner, Flairsoft feels that the conference provides a wonderful environment in which to promote its innovative solutions.
Flairsoft looks forward to attending and sponsoring the conference, and is excited to meet with industry leaders in the exceptional setting of the Wright Patterson Air Force Base. For more information, or to schedule a meeting with a Flairsoft representative, please feel free to contact us at the information provided above.
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